Guru Interiors

May 12, 20171 min

Moms Tell Us What They Want for Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we asked more than 1,500 moms what they really want for Mother’s Day and many of the responses centered on the home, from their preferred place to celebrate to the type of gift they hope to receive. In fact, the majority of moms say they’d like to stay home for Mother’s Day (53%), while going out is a distant second (28%).

Of those interested in staying at home, the most popular request is to enjoy a meal with the family, cooked by someone else (40%), followed by a family activity (25%) like watching movies, playing games or gardening. Responses from moms who want to go out for Mother’s Day have similar themes, with 47% of moms requesting a meal with family and 23% interested in attending a cultural event with their family, like visiting a museum, going to the movie theater or watching a live sporting event.

Flowers seem to be a popular request (at least, that’s what we hear from 19% of responding moms), but nearly the same amount of moms say their ideal gift is something for the home (16%). For inspiration, check out this collection of thoughtful home decor Mother’s Day gifts from Houzz.

However you choose to celebrate, we wish all moms a happy and healthy Mother’s Day!

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